
Jun, 29, 2017 0
In a society where a massive number of youths and young adults are leaving the church, we are left asking, “What are we doing wrong?” While not compromising our beliefs, we must face the challenge of how to connect with our younger generations in such a way that the Christian faith they’ve been…
Jun, 29, 2017 0
Q: What are some similarities between Nazarenes and Pentecostals? A: Both have their roots in the Holiness revival of the nineteenth century. The Church of the Nazarene is a Wesleyan-holiness denomination. The first wave of Pentecostals emerged from the Wesleyan-holiness revival. Q: Then why are…
Jun, 29, 2017 0
People often ask me, “Why don’t we see God work miracles like He did in Bible days?” My answer: we do. God is at work in our world every day. We simply need to focus our eyes to see God’s activity all around us. Perhaps the greatest miracle occurs when God transforms sinners into saints. Only God…
Jun, 29, 2017 0
Africa Regional Director Filimao “Fili” Chambo (FC) shares insights on pastors and the need for ongoing theological training and knowledge. Holiness Today: How important is it for pastors to have sound theological training? FC: I think that it’s critical for pastors to have good theological…
Jan, 20, 2017 0
It was the phone call no one wants to receive. The words I heard hit me like a sucker punch: “Your father has suffered a stroke.” To that point, my dad had enjoyed an unusually active, vibrant life into his late eighties. He embraced each day with an energy beyond his years and a contagious joy.…
Nov, 01, 2016 0
When Paul docked in Samonthrace and reached the city of Philippi, he did as always before: he sought out the Jews in the city. Learning there was no synagogue, he found a group of God-fearing women down by the riverside. Lydia, a merchant woman in the city known as the seller of crimson cloths, and…
Nov, 01, 2016 0
What hope did the young woman sprawled in the dust have? None from the law. The holiness codes of her people were clear: she was guilty, and the crowd around her was prepared to administer the required death penalty. But on that day, holiness wasn't contained in a code but a flesh-and-blood person…
Nov, 01, 2016 0
This year something unusual happened for the first time at the Olympics, and I found it imaginative and moving. The International Olympic Committee, in response to the current realities faced by people displaced by war and without a homeland, created a team for “refugees.” What a representation of…
Nov, 01, 2016 0
The year of missionary home assignment ended and my husband and I, along with our four young children, headed back to Israel with heavy suitcases and hearts. It was not just the farewells that made leaving difficult, but we were moving from Nazareth to Jerusalem as soon as we arrived. We didn’t…
Nov, 01, 2016 0
Mountains have a special place in our emotional and spiritual vocabularies. We associate them with grandeur, and majesty. We sing, write, and dream about them. We often describe a moving religious experience—such as a great service where there is lively singing, sweet reverence, tears flowing, and…