
Jul, 12, 2017 0
ARTICLE OF FAITH XVI: RESURRECTION, JUDGMENT, AND DESTINY “We believe in the resurrection of the dead, that the bodies both of the just and of the unjust shall be raised to life and united with their spirits—“they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil,…
Jul, 07, 2017 0
As someone raised in the Church of the Nazarene by committed Nazarene parents and grandparents, the Bible has always been central to my life and my faith. Growing up, I studied the Bible in my daily devotions, in Sunday school, in Bible quizzing, and in Vacation Bible School, just to name a few.…
Jul, 06, 2017 0
“How is your church doing?” We get this question a lot. In many seasons of life it’s a welcome opportunity to testify to the goodness of God. Unfortunately, there are also seasons where this question evokes nothing but dread. We think of families leaving our church, finances dwindling, or…
Jul, 06, 2017 0
The Christian faith is founded upon the faithfulness of God. On page after page of the Old Testament, God demonstrates His faithfulness. He is the God who can be trusted. He is holy love. He will always to be true to Himself. “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who…
Jul, 06, 2017 0
The Church of the Nazarene has always avoided adopting a particular position concerning end-time events. It has consistently affirmed the basic belief in the second coming of Christ as the consummation of history. Like the Apostles’ Creed, which is the classically accepted summation of the…
Jun, 30, 2017 0
Heated election cycles. Societal upheaval. Expansion of technology. Overly busy schedules. Shrinking churches. Shallow disciples. Divided families. Addiction. Economic greediness. Oppression. Naming the barrenness around us would produce an exhausting, endless list. In my more cynical moments, I…
Jun, 30, 2017 0
In 2001 I was one of six students from Eastern Nazarene College who spent our spring semester in Romania taking classes and serving in church-related ministries. I had no prior experience living outside the United States, and brought only preconceived notions about what it would be like to minister…
Jun, 30, 2017 0
The first decade of the 21st century marked the first time in history that a majority of people live in urban centers rather than rural areas. With this, Western societies began to experience the influx of postmodern thinking and behaviors. These two philosophical shifts have had an impact on the…
Jun, 29, 2017 0
Q: Our church is experiencing what needs to be acknowledged as bullying tactics between some factions. How can we deal with this situation in a healthy and Christ like way? A: Thankfully, not every church experiences bullying. Yet that’s one reason why, when it occurs, we are often not well…
Jun, 29, 2017 0
Sometimes missionary kids stand out. Not necessarily just because of how they dress or act. You would struggle to pick our children, Macy, 9, and Connor, 7, out of a group of their American peers. With a little probing, though, you would know straight away that these kids are growing up someplace…