
Apr, 22, 2016 0
Recently someone asked me an intriguing question: What statement should the Church of the Nazarene make about human suffering such as the hardships caused by immigrant displacement and environmental crises? My mind froze as I tried hurriedly to devise an appropriate response to these global issues…
Apr, 22, 2016 0
One of the principal rules of religion is to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since he is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neighbor; which he receives as if done to himself in person, standing visibly before us (John Wesley). For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,…
Apr, 22, 2016 0
I cannot imagine a long-haired Jesus strumming a guitar and belting out a ballad. I can’t visualize Him clapping and toe-tapping to praise choruses. Can you see Him singing at a Bill Gaither “Homecoming” event? Images of Jesus Christ singing may seem strange since the Bible never pictures Jesus…
Apr, 22, 2016 0
HT: Does this new generation still believe in marriage? Les: Here’s what we know for sure: 87 percent of young adults plan on being married eventually and 82 percent expect to be married for life. Did you catch that? Almost all young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 not only aspire to…
Apr, 08, 2016 0
Don’t you hate it when someone who knows little about a sport tries to engage in conversation about it and then uses terms from another sport? Like this: “The football game is in the third inning.” Of course, baseball uses innings, not football. That is exactly how I feel as a minister in the…
Apr, 07, 2016 0
The journey of faith reminds me of an old radio. There are periods of quiet stillness. Sometimes there is a deafening lack of noise. And then there is the static. Turn the knob, wrong station, white noise, static: Are you there, God? Can you hear me? Then, just like the frequency that finally…
Apr, 07, 2016 0
When Samantha Chambo and Annemarie Snijders sat down with Holiness Today, they discovered they shared more than Christ in common. These two accomplished clergywomen from contrasting cultures—Chambo from South Africa and Snijders from the Netherlands—both have a passion to empower women to step up…
Apr, 07, 2016 0
In one setting, the sun towered above, beating down upon us with an intensity impossible to ignore. We found our way to a piece of ground high upon a hill where a 20- x 30-foot tattered tarp provided shelter from the oppressive sun. Of course, it could do nothing to block out the thick humidity…
Apr, 07, 2016 0
Today I remembered my call. I had not really forgotten it. Yet ministry is so busy and “productive” that sometimes frustrations push out a little bit of the drive. We are left with only leftovers to give. My memory came back to me tonight at one of our Child Development Centers (CDC) located on…
Apr, 07, 2016 0
Chemistry was one of my favorite subjects in high school. As a curious teenager, the idea of combining different substances without quite knowing how they would interact was both mysterious and exciting. What happens when you burn magnesium in dry ice? Or mix 1,500 ping pong balls with liquid…