
Mar, 01, 2018 0
Four percent of the world’s trade passes through the Panama Canal, but market goods are not the only thing moving through the country. According to Amable Polanco, Panama JESUS Film Country Coordinator, “…everything goes through the Canal, including different beliefs.” Over 4 million people reside…
Jan, 17, 2018 0
It was February 14, 2004, and I was sitting across the table from the store manager of our local Starbucks in Westerville, Ohio. After about ten years as a youth pastor, I found myself with a craving. It wasn’t caffeine that I needed. Getting outside the traditional walls of the church and a…
Dec, 06, 2017 0
The managing editor of Holiness Today sat down with Nazarene missionary Brad Thomas,* a physician serving with his family in the Middle East, to learn about their unique ministry. When you began your work two decades ago, where did you first serve? The first place was an area resistant to the…
Nov, 01, 2017 0
Dr. Randy L. Maddox (RM), who is the William Kellon Quick Professor of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies at Duke Divinity School and a leading scholar on the life and work of John Wesley, sat down with Holiness Today to discuss John Wesley’s contribution to worship in the church. HT: Randy, we know…
Oct, 24, 2017 0
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, NIV Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who…
Oct, 24, 2017 0
“We Are Just Too Busy.” These are words we often hear in the church. From balancing work schedules to helping family and friends, to making sure our kids are actually bathed and their homework is correctly completed, we live busy lives. But there is this call on our lives: to be the faithful…
Oct, 24, 2017 0
Rebecca Jones (RJ1), Robbie Cansler (RC), Melissa Brussa (MB), Rachel James (RJ2), and Sarah Riley (SR) join in the conversation.  HT: What does it mean to be a woman clergy member today? RC: A sense of “otherness” exists because it seems as though colleagues are unsure of ways that we should…
Oct, 24, 2017 0
From its inception, the church of Jesus Christ has been called to go “into all the world.” As the earliest disciples learned, the Matthew 28 Great Commission did more than expand the geographical presence of the church. It also communicated a call to expand the cultural and linguistic dimensions of…
Oct, 24, 2017 0
In the Church of the Nazarene, one of the greatest tools we have to evaluate and guide our faith is the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. Many different variations of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral have been introduced over the years, but in its simplest form, it means that we allow several perspectives to…
Oct, 24, 2017 0
The gospel often travels faster than our customs and culture. Such is the case in the Northern regions of Argentina, among the Wichi and Qom tribal peoples, where JESUS Film showings have pierced patches of spiritual darkness. These tribal people form some of the few surviving South American Indian…