
Jul, 01, 2016 0
I have the uttermost respect for farmers. I am privileged to have some great farmer friends in North Dakota and they are among the most incredible people I know. The dedication and love they put into what they do, their outstanding work ethics, and their ability to fix machinery as big as a two-…
Jul, 01, 2016 0
In ancient Hebrew culture, a person’s name was synonymous with his or her nature. To know the name was to understand the individual's personality. The nation of Israel believed this was also true of God. They held one name for God that was deemed so sacred that it was spoken only once a year by the…
Jul, 01, 2016 0
Christian believers belonging to the Church of the Nazarene do many things well. We respond quickly to people in need through such ministries as local compassion centers and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. We educate more than 50,000 college and university students annually through our 52 higher…
Jul, 01, 2016 0
Q: How can we help to turn around our struggling congregation? I fear we are too set in our ways to change. A: This is a great question. Sometimes good faithful Christians lose sight of the important things about church—things like fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. When it…
Jul, 01, 2016 0
Q: I hear our pastor talking about beginning a catechism class. What is catechism anyway? Isn’t it for Catholics? I thought we were more interested as a denomination in getting people sanctified, not just memorizing cold facts about religion. ? A: Christianity is a faith that in its sanctified…
Jul, 01, 2016 0
Where were you born and where did you grow up? I was born in Guatemala. When I was a year old we moved to El Paso, Texas. Dad pastored there until we moved to the West Coast. When I was around 12, Dad wanted us to return to Guatemala to be closer to our family and our roots. Describe your parents…
Jul, 01, 2016 0
Have you noticed how hard it is to be open and honest with others? I’m not talking about social-media open. It’s easy to repost an article on Twitter or to leave a comment on Facebook. If you dislike someone's opinion, you can unfollow them. If you offend someone they can just "block" you. But it’s…
Jul, 01, 2016 0
My kids got their good taste in music from me. They’re a little obsessive about it, though. Every time we get in the van, they want to listen to one particular bluegrass album over and over and over: Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder’s Live at the Charleston Music Hall. One song, “A Simple Life,”…
Jul, 01, 2016 0
Which is more important: Arriving at your vacation spot on time, or Making sure someone gets the treatment they need for a medical emergency? Don’t ask the woman who spit in the security guard’s face as she was escorted off the plane. Recently, I read about a flight that was unexpectedly…
Jul, 01, 2016 0
The dreaded “sex talk.” I think this is a right of passage for every person who dares to embark on the journey of parenting. It wasn’t long ago that my wife and I entered into this awkward exchange of adult realities matched with our child’s innocent view of the world. Determined to beat his school…