
Aug, 21, 2018 0
The Background In the corner of the living room at my childhood home, a built-in, oak bookcase prominently displayed my grandfather’s complete 13-volume, clothbound set of The Works of John Wesley. I am a third-generation Nazarene, so I was raised with a distinct appreciation for Wesley’s vital…
Aug, 17, 2018 0
The Christian church has been attempting to apply Paul’s instruction to Ephesian believers for 2000 years when he said, So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…
Aug, 13, 2018 0
It is commonly said that the motivation for evangelism is 'passion for the lost.' I believe this is inescapably true. The belief that Christians have something unbelievers do not is fundamental. This point leads me to two questions. First, Nazarenes, do we feel that passion? Second, church, how do…
Aug, 01, 2018 0
Within the treasure chest of missionary inspirations, David Livingstone’s question is found: “Cannot the love of Christ carry the missionary where the slave trade carries the trader?” His ministry in the 1800s focused on slavery in the heart of Africa. Livingstone’s true north was that the love of…
Aug, 01, 2018 0
In my travels across the church, I have discovered that we have many committed, generous, and gifted people. Thank God for them. I have also become poignantly aware that we desperately need people of great spiritual depth! Such people are not cast in molds and produced instantly. They are chiseled…
Aug, 01, 2018 0
In my travels across the church, I have discovered that we have many committed, generous, and gifted people. Thank God for them. I have also become poignantly aware that we desperately need people of great spiritual depth! Such people are not cast in molds and produced instantly. They are chiseled…
Aug, 01, 2018 0
In my travels across the church, I have discovered that we have many committed, generous, and gifted people. Thank God for them. I have also become poignantly aware that we desperately need people of great spiritual depth! Such people are not cast in molds and produced instantly. They are chiseled…
Aug, 01, 2018 0
The year after the Iron Curtain fell I visited Moscow, Russia, to teach a classroom filled with eager ministerial students. I appreciated the opportunity to invest in their young lives but really missed my wife. The Internet and email systems had not invaded the world of communications yet, so we…
Jul, 30, 2018 0
How can Christians remain faithful to the Gospel when the culture grows increasingly averse to the Church? How do we lovingly respond to our neighbors who do not know Christ? The apostle Paul offers insightful guidance to first century Christians who often endured hostile circumstances in the…
Jul, 26, 2018 0
Christian ministry comes in a variety of human packages: Children inviting their friends to neighborhood Bible studies, retirees counting the Sunday offerings and preparing bank deposit slips, and of course, pastors carefully preparing next week’s sermon and faithfully calling on the homebound.…