
Oct, 23, 2018 0
One of the more interesting biblical puzzles involves the account of the resurrection in the Gospel of Mark.  Among the ancient versions of Mark that still survive, there are several different endings, most of which read like a more brief version of the other gospels. Several women find an empty…
Oct, 22, 2018 0
Resurrection follows death. While this observation might seem like an unnecessary exercise in the obvious, we would do well to remember that the obvious can also be overlooked or, in some cases, conveniently forgotten. When it comes to the celebration of the Resurrection, we can be an impatient…
Oct, 17, 2018 0
As important as the concept of resurrection is to the New Testament and Christianity, it is surprising to find that the Old Testament has very few references to this belief. According to scholars like Robert Martin-Achard, this owes in part to the ancient Israelite understanding of what the good…
Oct, 02, 2018 0
Holiday seasons are times to contemplate future plans while looking back on past experiences. In fact, the Advent itself serves to help us maintain a spirit of reflection. As healthy as that may be, there comes a point when we need to think ahead, not look back. God's Word recounts an angel…
Sep, 21, 2018 0
Four percent of the world’s trade passes through the Panama Canal, but market goods are not the only thing moving through the country. According to Amable Polanco, Panama JESUS Film Country Coordinator, “…everything goes through the Canal, including different beliefs.” Over 4 million people reside…
Sep, 15, 2018 0
“Are you sure it’s a Christian church?” It was strange hearing my exact thought come out of someone else’s mouth, but this man said the same thing I was thinking. It was the early evening of Easter Sunday, and I found myself in the produce section of our neighborhood grocery store. I had just…
Sep, 13, 2018 0
“And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for Him, to give His people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins” (Luke 1:76-77). In the beginning, all that God had made was very good (Gen. 1:31).…
Sep, 04, 2018 0
When I was asked to write about a woman’s perspective on the call to pastoral ministry, I had a difficult time figuring out where to begin. My mind flashed back to last year when I was sitting at a conference, thinking about how there was no way I’d ever be a spokesperson for women pastors in the…
Aug, 29, 2018 0
Though all God’s followers have been tasked with preaching the gospel and sharing the love of Christ with the world, a pastor has been given the unique privilege and duty to live out that task vocationally. In an age when secularism is often pursued over spiritual formation, pastors must answer the…
Aug, 24, 2018 0
My younger son loves to experiment with a variety of flavors. Even as a small child, he liked to be in the kitchen when his mom or I were cooking, urging us to try various flavor combinations and sauces to get the most out of what we were making. His bold choices and combinations really did add to…