
Jan, 16, 2019 0
I learned a foreign language twice—in high school and in my doctoral program—and nearly lost them both. You could say I was “literate” in both languages (with occasional help from a dictionary). However, I never used those languages easily, and reading became much harder over time. Yet I have…
Jan, 14, 2019 0
Forgiveness. Reconciliation. Redemption. These can all be outcomes of sanctification. For two men in an African refugee camp, these radical concepts are rewriting a broken story of nearly half a century of revenge and conflict. More than 45 years ago, a member of Aman’s* clan was abused by a…
Jan, 04, 2019 0
“Sing, barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the Lord. “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back;…
Dec, 20, 2018 0
In 2016, Rev. Bill Sawyer was selected as Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the Global Ministry Center, Church of the Nazarene (Lenexa, Kansas). Bill has an extensive background both as a pastor and as an executive in the corporate world. Before coming to the GMC, Bill served as vice-president…
Dec, 19, 2018 0
"Don’t you know that those who serve in the temple get their food from the temple, and that those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar? In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel. But I have not used…
Dec, 14, 2018 0
The writing is on the wall, and many great leaders have read the writing word for word. They each have made their analyses, which appear to be consistent across denominational lines. There is a seismic shift happening in ministry across denominations, and it's projected to continue for the…
Dec, 13, 2018 0
I’ve been serving alongside business professionals in congregations for over 20 years. During that time, I have come to some conclusions, more accurately labeled “relevant insights,” regarding how to engage and empower business professionals in the congregations that I have led and served. …
Dec, 13, 2018 0
Is there a way for our church to be more creative and effective in reaching the community? Is there a way we can supplement our church’s income in the process? Questions like these motivate many churches to depart from traditional church models and to experiment with innovative techniques for…
Dec, 13, 2018 0
Perhaps you are currently serving a local congregation as a bivocational pastor or multi-vocational pastor (as I once did), and you are reading this with all kinds of thoughts and feelings swirling through your heart and mind. Words like “success,” “stress,” “no margin,” and “never good enough,”…
Dec, 05, 2018 0
As a sending church, our theological identity as Nazarenes is lived out in tangible expressions. A theology that never moves beyond abstract ideas into real-world living is a theology that merely becomes a mental exercise. We might agree with the notion that God cares about what we do and yet find…