
Nov, 05, 2018 0
At any given moment in North America, just the click of a button can flood the senses with what advertisers produce every day to make millions of dollars: commercials.  In less than fifteen minutes, the television makes evident what our culture values and how it spends its money. We want to look…
Nov, 02, 2018 0
Easter Sunday is widely celebrated. In fact, it is one of the highest attended church services of the calendar year. Easter Sunday is a day when all Christians gather to celebrate the gift of salvation in our resurrected Lord. However, the Lenten season that leads up to this day can be overlooked…
Nov, 01, 2018 0
Pentecost, for some strange reason, is often overlooked in our Nazarene churches, and yet it is among the most significant events in the Church year. What many Nazarenes know about Pentecost is that it is the birthday of the Church. Indeed, this is a significant thing to know about Pentecost! But…
Oct, 31, 2018 0
The choice of what will happen to one’s physical body after death has been a question for many Christians as it relates to the resurrection of the body. Christians from my country, Guatemala, are generally against cremation because of their Roman Catholic background that emphasizes bodily burial in…
Oct, 30, 2018 0
FEAR. Just the sound of the word can evoke the very emotion it describes. Even as believers, if we focus on what fear represents to us individually for too long, it can be a burden on our spirits and take us into dark places that God never intended for us to go. Isaiah 41:10 reminds us, “Do not be…
Oct, 26, 2018 0
When reading a gripping and suspenseful novel, there is always the temptation to turn to the back of the book and see how the story ends. However, in doing so, the suspense and drama leading up to the conclusion often becomes less intense. The Resurrection is clearly a central act in the renewing…
Oct, 26, 2018 0
John the Apostle records four resurrection appearances of our Lord. The first was to Mary Magdalene, who was weeping in the garden over the mistaken notion that Jesus’ body had been stolen – to her, Jesus was obviously still dead. It wasn’t until Jesus called her name that she recognized Him as…
Oct, 26, 2018 0
Early in my pastoral ministry, one of the charter members of the congregation I was serving died unexpectedly just a few months after my arrival. He had served that church faithfully for nearly 30 years as treasurer, and in his memory, his family purchased new offering plates inscribed with his…
Oct, 24, 2018 0
Failure is one of the few experiences that we all have in common. All of us are bound to fail at some point. While the attempt to prevent failure is wise, the illusion that we can control all the variables is foolish. Failure is a human reality. Wisdom recognizes that openness to failure is one of…
Oct, 23, 2018 0
“I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11: 25). Someday there will be a resurrection for every Christ follower. Someday the dead will rise from the dust. Someday heaven will come to earth as every knee bows and tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord. Someday… We all have hopes for someday…