
Feb, 19, 2019 0
In Matthew 16:16-18, Peter declared a truth received through revelation. Jesus told him that the Church was going to be built in this fashion of declaring revelation. The word Jesus used for Church is ecclesia. This term was not a word Jesus mysteriously pulled down from heaven - it was a common…
Feb, 15, 2019 0
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”—John 15:5 In this passage in John, Jesus calls His disciples to commit to an ongoing relationship. Christ’s message is extremely clear that within this dependent…
Feb, 11, 2019 0
Listed below are some ways to plant the seed of God’s Word in children’s hearts, so they might find their hearts saturated with Scripture and enfolded in Christian fellowship. Use the memory verses included in Sunday school curriculum. Show videos that teach and encourage memorizing Bible…
Feb, 08, 2019 0
Biblical literacy is crucial for teens. Being biblically literate is of vital importance for Christ followers of every age and shapes the faith of young believers in a way that nothing else can or will. However, many teens are swamped with responsibilities, pressures, and expectations that make…
Feb, 06, 2019 0
I first fell in love with the Story in a Sunday school class when I was young. I listened with wonder as my teacher told stories of faraway places like Egypt, where a princess could call someone else’s mother to feed her adopted baby that she pulled from the river, and amazing people like the Queen…
Feb, 04, 2019 0
Abstract ideas and experiences can be difficult to relate to or to fully understand until adequate symbols or metaphors are established to bring them into focus. As Christians, we have a distinct message to share. What if the world isn’t hearing that captivating message, not because we aren’t…
Feb, 01, 2019 0
The term “Gospel” (euangelion in Greek) means “good news,” and the Gospels tell the story of the good news of Jesus’ life. In the church, we speak quite rightly about Jesus’ life as a unified narrative. In the Advent and Christmas seasons, preaching interweaves stories about Jesus’ birth as…
Jan, 31, 2019 0
Humans are curious creatures. We are eager to know the future. In fact, there is a branch of theology called “eschatology” which examines the doctrine of “last things.” Eschatology is better described as the direction and ultimate goal of God’s covenant faithfulness toward all of creation. In this…
Jan, 25, 2019 0
HT:  What are your thoughts on the state of biblical literacy today, both among laypeople and ministers? JG: The people with whom I have the most contact are students who arrive at the seminary. Many students who arrive at seminary seem to have had less involvement in reading the Scriptures and…
Jan, 17, 2019 0
As children, we learn early in the journey of life the significance of authority figures who offer direction and support for our lives. Most children view their parents or guardians as authority figures. When children reach school age, they add teachers, coaches, and other significant individuals…