An Angel with Big Feet

An Angel with Big Feet

A cold misty rain blew that morning in San Antonio as I boarded the plane with a heavy heart, heading for the East coast. Never having flown alone, I was apprehensive. I was grateful for the courtesy of the flight attendant when I handed her my boarding pass and made my way to the window seat near the middle of the plane. The 737 looked especially large as it was sparsely filled and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was trying to get to our precious daughter's bedside before she was to have major surgery. I had honestly prayed that morning that I would not be seated by anyone who needed to share joy, sorrow, or pictures of their grandchildren.

The captain's voice came on and then I heard the jet engines start to warm up. I was all alone, with two empty seats on my left. Now I could just think about our sweet daughter who had worked so hard to get her Master's in Music Education and was having the time of her life teaching this universal language to children. I sent up a prayer of thanks, so grateful for this time alone. Then, unbelievably, just before the plan was to take off an extremely tall man boarded. He came and stood at my left side and I just stared. He was well over six feet tall and had the biggest feet I had ever seen. We exchanged greetings. He settled in and about that time the plane started to move on the runway. I just faced the window and began my prayer time.

Our daughter Pam, had made the decision she could move a huge piano all by herself and as a result had injured discs in her back. After getting shots, even having used chiropractic treatments, surgery was an absolute necessity. I had known others who after surgery lived without pain and also people who were confined to a wheelchair for life. I tried hard to accept Proverbs 3: 5-6. With a sense of guilt I thought of the many I had tried to encourage with those exact words.

Then I heard a "click" and looking to my left I noticed the gentleman open his briefcase and take out a book. Being an avid reader I was curious, and so I stared long enough to check out the subject matter.

I was shocked and felt a sense of awe like never before.

The title on the back cover was "Back Surgery." Softly I whispered, "Oh! Sir, this is so ironic!" I could tell from his expression he was wondering what rock I had crawled from under. Then with tear-dimmed eyes I shared my fear, my concern, and my shame for not having more faith! That morning I had asked God to in some way give me peace. He smiled and explained he was on his way to Harvard to present a paper on back surgery, his occupation and specialty for many years. With the gentleness many physicians seem to have as a God-given gift, the surgeon explained every step that would be taken during and after my daughter's surgery. In a stumbling fashion I tried to thank him for being an "earth angel." He gave a modest smile and we shook hands.

Just before he left to change planes, I told him I did not feel it was by accident he was given that seat assignment. In sincerity he said to me, "No ma'am I don't think my seating arrangement was by chance!" My daughter's surgery went well. This event took place some years ago, and now I can't even remember the physician's name. However, I'm confident God carried that plane in the palm of His hand for His fingerprints covered the entire experience. When I arrived back in San Antonio I looked in the yellow pages to find that my physician traveling companion had an office in the city. I don't know"maybe angels really do have offices. Some certainly do have big feet!

Inez Foster resides in Williamsburg, Virginia. She is the wife of retired Air Force chaplain Lowel D. Foster.

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
