
Jun, 10, 2012 0
When we moved to Loudon, New Hampshire six years ago, we purchased a home so close to New Hampshire Motor Speedway (NHMS) that when we watch NASCAR races on TV we turn the volume down and open the windows! I sensed God encouraging me to offer pastoral care to the racers, workers, and guests.…
Jun, 07, 2012 0
In this segment, Nazarene Archives answers a question about the history of the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Exactly how did the Church of the Nazarene get its name? The Hebrew name for "Jesus," derived from "Joshua," was common in first-century Palestinian Judaism, so "Jesus of Nazareth"…
Jun, 02, 2012 0
The earliest Christians were a notable lot. Were many of us to rub shoulders with them, we might find ourselves intimidated by the intensity of their discipleship. "Counting the cost" was no glib phrase for these stalwarts. They often paid a huge price to simply follow Jesus. Daniel G. Powers,…
May, 29, 2012 0
As Nazarenes, we affirm the full inspiration of the Bible. We affirm that the Bible inerrantly reveals the will of God for us in all things necessary to our salvation. The Church of the Nazarene, from its origin, has not made a claim about "how" the Bible came to us. The strength of our Manual…
May, 25, 2012 0
What is one of your hobbies? Visiting baseball stadiums. Do you have a favorite team? New York Yankees [baseball]. Who is the most famous person you've ever met? I drove Joe Torre (then manager of the New York Yankees) to a restaurant one night in Seattle when he couldn't find a taxi after…
May, 25, 2012 0
Humankind is chosen of God to reflect the image of God. What an awesome truth! This is the major vein of Christian holiness teaching. The image finds expression in a four-fold relationship: 1. To God. This relationship is what makes us human beings (Genesis 1:26). 2. To Others. God's word…
May, 09, 2012 0
Q: If God created everything, how did He come to exist? A: This question has occupied philosophers and theologians for centuries. It is a sub-set of the question about the existence of God. Perhaps the most famous proof for the existence of a Divine Being is Anselm's (1033-1109) ontological…
Apr, 19, 2012 0
I started a Wednesday night ministry out of desperation to have girlfriends. I have been a pastor's wife for over 20 years now, but I'm still not over some of the insecurities I have from carrying that label. Several years ago my husband and I were on staff at a church where we loved Sunday…
Apr, 16, 2012 0
In chapters 2 and 3 in the book of Revelation, the Apostle John records God's assessment of seven churches. The church in Ephesus gets good marks for hard work, perseverance, intolerance of wicked people, and rightly discerning those who are false apostles. They are also praised for hating "the…
Apr, 11, 2012 0
Where were you born? Easton, Maryland. What was it like being the child of an itinerant evangelist? It was amazing. Every night, while I was sitting in a revival service, God was always a powerful reality from whom I could never escape. The road was always changing, never boring, sometimes…