
Jul, 12, 2012 0
Q: Can you explain "Holiness Living?" A: Holiness living is a state of total devotion and obedience to God in all aspects of life. We believe that followers of Christ need and can receive the fullness of God's Holy Spirit. When believers allow God's Holy Spirit to purify and fill their hearts…
Jul, 12, 2012 0
Q: Can you explain "Holiness Living?" A: Holiness living is a state of total devotion and obedience to God in all aspects of life. We believe that followers of Christ need and can receive the fullness of God's Holy Spirit. When believers allow God's Holy Spirit to purify and fill their hearts…
Jul, 12, 2012 0
Q: I keep inviting my neighbors to church but they don't want to attend. What are some other ways I can share the Good News with them? A. This is a very common scenario in our postmodern culture. Fifty years ago, simply inviting someone to church worked great as an evangelistic tool. Today, not…
Jul, 01, 2012 0
Jesus spoke these words to a woman at a well after she attempted to draw Jesus into a debate about the proper place of worship.  For centuries, Jews and Samaritans disagreed about the location of the proper place to truly worship God.  Perhaps these were the first of many “worship wars” that would…
Jul, 01, 2012 0
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before…
Jul, 01, 2012 0
Do you live where your ancestors lived? According to Genesis, we are all immigrants because our ancestors came from Turkey after the Flood! The word "stranger" is ger in Hebrew and xenos in Greek. It can be defined as foreigner, alien, or sojourner. In this article, the word immigrant is…
Jun, 20, 2012 0
See How the Other Half Lives Want to broaden your horizons this summer? Talk to your youth group leader about having some events to see how "the other half" lives. You can do fun events or service projects to become a more well-rounded person or youth group. Here are some ideas to get started:…
Jun, 20, 2012 0
I love the Church. I love our church. When I was a teen, the Church of the Nazarene found me and adopted me. I was a paperboy from a broken home. A customer invited me to the Church of the Nazarene. Once there, I discovered that several of my customers were members. On Sunday mornings I would…
Jun, 10, 2012 0
Tanya was counting the days. The little girl with chestnut hair and auburn eyes sat at home on her bed in Russia, wishing away the hours and daydreaming about the next time she could travel with her sister and mother to church. She loved the games of Kids? Club and the singing during worship,…
Jun, 10, 2012 0
When we moved to Loudon, New Hampshire six years ago, we purchased a home so close to New Hampshire Motor Speedway (NHMS) that when we watch NASCAR races on TV we turn the volume down and open the windows! I sensed God encouraging me to offer pastoral care to the racers, workers, and guests.…