
Feb, 13, 2020 0
I was raised in the church. My family volunteered for just about everything. We were there early and we stayed late. Regular church services, prayer meetings, special services . . . we were there for all of them. While these experiences established a fine Christian upbringing, one of the adverse…
Feb, 07, 2020 0
As a kid, I enjoyed watching the television series “Lost in Space.” In nearly every episode, young Will Robinson would be going through life and wouldn’t realize when danger was present. His mechanical friend, “Robot,” would sense something was wrong and would declare, “Danger, Will Robinson!” When…
Jan, 30, 2020 0
I really enjoy playing golf, but I’m just an average golfer. In my quest to improve my game, I read Tiger Woods’ book How I Play Golf. I learned a lot from it. During a match, I would try to put into practice what I learned in the book. There was just one problem though – I didn’t golf anything…
Jan, 23, 2020 0
God continually gives us opportunities to minister to those around us. He gives us eyes to see the scars they bear and the burdens they carry. Perhaps their struggle is with an addiction, an abusive relationship, or an unplanned pregnancy. Jesus is calling us to minister to others from a place…
Jan, 16, 2020 0
There has been a lot of discussion recently around the issue of abortion. Lines have been drawn as people have proclaimed that they are either pro-life or pro-choice. The battle for the life of the unborn has intensified as life itself in the United States has become a political issue. This sad…
Jan, 09, 2020 0
It was noon, and the Samaritan woman was doing the same thing she did every day. Gathering her empty water jug, she walked to the well alone. It was not an accident that she chose this time of day, but an intentional effort to elude the other women. She wanted to avoid the stares, the whispers, and…
Dec, 20, 2019 0
She is at a crossroads considering her options. This is simply another choice in a long line of decisions that have brought her to the place where she stands today. Yet, this choice feels different. Her heart and head are battling; everything inside of her tells her that this is the biggest…
Dec, 19, 2019 0
Living a Jesus-filled life is a life of worship. We can practice a worship-filled life by consecrating our life to God daily in prayer even as we allow His Spirit to fill us. This lifestyle follows when we recognize Jesus as Lord of our lives and allow His love to fill and guide us. Worship through…
Dec, 19, 2019 0
We can learn to listen to Jesus by placing ourselves in the stories found in Scripture. This is a foundational part of experiencing prayer as a living dialogue with God. In my life, I have discovered the intimacy of dialoguing with God. My wife was going through a difficult period while we…
Dec, 10, 2019 0
I grew up near Paris, France, as an atheist. I became a scientist, doing research in artificial intelligence in the 1990s. I had studied science for many years, but the Lord began to touch my heart and guide me to His love; now I wanted to study the Christian faith. For a long time, it was…