
Apr, 22, 2020 0
I remember vividly the day I was born again. The Nazarene church our family used to attend was having its annual Fall Revival. I do not remember the name of the evangelist or the song selection or the text of the sermon. What stands out about that night is the strong awareness the Holy Spirit…
Apr, 15, 2020 0
I continue to be amazed at the power of words. Genesis recounts that it was with words that God created light from the darkness (Genesis 1). It was words from Jesus that silenced the storms. Words have been life giving in my own life. It seems that at just the right moments, someone has spoken an…
Apr, 09, 2020 0
“Breaking news” scrolls across the bottom of the screen on every news network when something the media deems significant takes place. Social media fills with hashtags of the event, and articles are posted on various media outlets. This news becomes the conversation starter before the meeting at…
Apr, 03, 2020 0
The word “submission” may sound unacceptable in our day. The hour in which we live is replete with people fighting for authority and power. The pursuit of position over relationship is fertile breeding ground for offense, outrage, critique, and protest often espoused through social media or in…
Mar, 20, 2020 0
I have a dear friend in my life who I have always admired. I had him come speak at my church one time. I was happy when he agreed to do so and was a bit surprised since this individual is very successful and busy. I remember picking him up at the airport and grinning from ear to ear as we talked.…
Mar, 16, 2020 0
Salt is referred to several times in the New Testament. Though it is quite common today, it was considered a valuable commodity in ancient times and was even a form of payment in some cases (this is where we get the phrase, “worth his/her salt”). Salt was certainly used to add flavor, but its most…
Mar, 04, 2020 0
I remember the first time I jumped out of an airplane. Weeks of training in the US Army had led to that moment; I endured the physical difficulties of training and had put up with the elements just to have this opportunity! We trained, we rehearsed, we practiced, for one reason alone…to jump out of…
Feb, 28, 2020 0
Everywhere we go, we leave traces of our actions; yet these traces don’t just exist in the physical world. You have a digital “shadow” that results from your online activity. Everything you do on the internet and social media leaves a shadow of your “real life,” so to speak. But it isn’t just you…
Feb, 20, 2020 0
I am the recipient of extravagant love—from God and others. I was raised in a single-parent home. My mom was a fantastic person and provided well for my needs. When I was seven years old, she was diagnosed with leukemia and died that same year. By God’s grace, a loving, Christ-following family…
Feb, 19, 2020 0
As an attorney, I spend my days pointing people toward the law. Whether the issue deals with civil legislation or the rules in the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene, I often have to tell people that the law does not permit a particular course of action. That's when I brace myself for the…