The Entrance of Thy Word Giveth Light

The Entrance of Thy Word Giveth Light

Paul strongly commended Timothy to the churches because from a child he had "known the holy Scriptures." And the effect of that knowledge was to "make him wise unto salvation."

In a previous chapter we expressed the opinion that lessons from the Scriptures could be committed to memory more easily than any other. When our faculties are under the entire control of the blessed Spirit, the "law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus" cooperates with the written Word, and an inspiration begotten of the Spirit comes to our being, stimulating our faculties, giving us an understanding heart and a retentive memory.

Hence it is written, "The inspiration of the Almighty giveth understanding." This is that "wisdom that cometh from above," and there is the promise fulfilled, "I will pour out My spirit unto you; I will make known My words unto you." "I will cause their heart to retain My words." "Knowledge is easy to him that understandeth." "The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding."

When the Word of God is "hidden in the heart," the inspiration that accompanies the Word will give knowledge.

Without that wisdom from above, we cannot "run in the way of His commandments."

The result of neglect is the same now as in the prophets' day, when God said, "My people are destroyed (cast off) for lack of knowledge; because thou hast rejected knowledge I also will reject thee."

It is clear, therefore, that God's people are required to search the Scriptures—to store the memory with the Word. It is inspired and the inspiration goes with the Word to the heart and mind. In the faculties of the soul it is truly "spirit and life," and where the Word is retained in the soul "the spirit of life in Christ Jesus" will be manifested.

I would say, to the young especially, get all the learning and knowledge you can, but with all your getting, get your memory filled with the inspired Word of God, for it is your life and salvation.

I verily believe that the neglect to commit to memory the Scriptures to be the most prolific cause of backsliding and wandering off into strange doctrines. If we carelessly neglect the Word of life, the mere profession of Christianity will not profit us in the day of His coming.

W. A. Powers, The Nazarene Messenger, June 13, 1901

Used with permission from Nazarene Archives.

Please note: This article was originally published in 1901. All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time but may have since changed.
