Living Your Faith in High School

Brad Daugherty, 16, a Christian student at his neighborhood high school, knows the rigors of living a Christian life in a secular world. "It's hard to get the balance between a Christian worldview and the secular worldview you find in high school," he says.
One of Brad's toughest challenges is keeping a close relationship with Jesus when he's involved in so many different activities. Other pressures intrude, too. "Sexual pressures, the way guys talk," he says. "It's hard to take that without letting it soak in. No matter how much you try to tune it out, it sticks. I don't feel I'm left out, but I know there are people who aren't nearly as strong in their faith. I've known people for years and wouldn't think they'd do anything. But then I find out they went to a party and got drunk and had sex, and these are people who claim to be Christians."
Brad believes "taking a stand" is the crucial dividing line between committed Christians and others.
"A lot of Christians who get in the secular world just sink into their shell and don't try to stand up for what they believe. When somebody's around me and using foul language, I'll say, 'You don't need to be saying that.' Or, 'At least around me, don't talk like that.' If someone invites me to a party and asks me to do something I know is wrong, I just say, 'I don't do that kind of thing.' A lot of times, it's not even bad stuff. But I'd have to skip church to do this thing. I have to ask, 'If I do all these other things, even good things, will it take me away from God?'"
Brad hopes to influence his friends who don't know Christ with his beliefs. Many don't listen. But every now and then, someone will show interest.
The secular environment for today's Christian is not easy, but it offers a real chance to change the world. Brad is proof of this as he walks with Jesus every day.
Mark Littleton enjoys writing articles and books, speaking, and sharing his faith in Kansas City.
Holiness Today, September/October 2008
Please note: This article was originally published in 2008. All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time but may have since changed.