Q&A with Helmer Juarez

Helmer Juarez is a medical doctor and compassionate ministries director for the Church of the Nazarene's Mexico and Central America (MAC) Region. Based in Guatemala, Juarez oversees compassionate ministries in that country as well as in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, and Costa Rica.

Holiness Today shared a discussion with Helmer Juarez about ministry needs on the MAC Region.

HT: Does the Church of the Nazarene have compassionate ministries work in all of those countries?

HJ: We have Nazarene Compassionate Ministries committees working in each country of the MAC Region, on 35 districts.

HT: Is there a main ministry such as providing food or shelter?

HJ: The different ministries that we are developing are different from one country to another. I think it depends on the needs.

HT: What are some of the needs?

HJ: The first one is children. Forty five percent of the total population in the MAC Region is under the age of 15. The Church of the Nazarene is based mainly in rural areas where the children have many needs"school programs, nutrition, healthcare.

HT: With so many needs, how do you know where to begin?

HJ: We identify churches who are concerned about these needs and want to start a program to minister to children. We have no resources to give to every church so the churches are leading the way. More churches are coming and joining the effort.

HT: But churches represent people, so do you see that people on the MAC Region are giving sacrificially to help others?

HJ: Yes. For example, Edelmirra Rodriguez pastors one of our largest churches in Panama. Several years ago she started a small feeding program and invited the community to join in helping with the efforts. Today they have 15 different programs. They are feeding at least 250 children five days per week, using their own resources from the community.

HT: Can you give us another example?

HJ: The famine in Africa is affecting more than 100,000 Nazarenes. We launched a regional campaign "Take Jesus to Dinner" to help in those needs. Several churches participated giving their own resources and helping Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in Africa feed hundreds of families. We invited families to fast a dinner, calculate what the meal would have cost, and then give that amount to assist Africa. They raised nearly $4,000 (U.S.) for this cause.

HT: So your people are not just helping one another, but they are assisting in global needs as well.

HJ: Yes"they are now embarked in a new project mobilizing resources to help the Caribbean Region Hispanic Nazarene churches who suffered through the 2004 hurricanes.

HT: What is it about the people on your region that they have this concept to give and to see the broader picture of needs?

HJ: I think it's time; we have been a process of education and motivation in the church through MAC Region that we are part of the family of the International Church of the Nazarene. Leadership training includes the concept of mentoring to help local churches understand the importance of being a part of all this.

Holiness Today, January/February 2005

Please note: This article was originally published in 2005. All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time but may have since changed.
