The Evidence

The Evidence

I love symbolism. A lion expresses courage and power. A dove represents peace and the Holy Spirit. The number four denotes man, the number three, God: so man and God united give us seven—the perfect number.

When the Jews were in the wilderness, God instituted the wearing of blue tassels on the hems of their garments. "That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God" (Num. 15:40, KJV). Not only did the blue tassels identify a man as a Jew to all the world, it also reminded the man that he was a Jew and belonged to God.

Every day when he put on and took off his garment, or looked down at his feet, or brushed his hem against his leg, it was a reminder of who and whose he was, and to live a holy life. I like that. He wore a symbol that told the world and reminded himself of his connection to God.

I want to wear something like that—to let the world know (and to remind myself) who and whose I am.

Should I wear a silver cross around my neck as many people do? No, I want something different. What would be a good symbol of my relationship to Jesus?

My thoughts are interrupted: "You have my Holy Spirit." Yes, I know that, but I want something that I can wear—something that shows.

"Make sure He can be seen in you." That hits hard. God has graciously given me His Holy Spirit to live within me. He guides me, comforts me, teaches me, and prays for me. God is living within me.

But the question is, can anyone, everyone, see this truth by the way I act, talk, and react to situations in my everyday life?

Is this truth evident in me, or would people never guess I am any different than those around me who don't have God's forgiveness and God's Holy Spirit living in them? Are my actions and interactions with others displaying God to the world, or am I keeping Him hidden? When topics of conversation come up that are harmful or deceitful, do I speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15, KJV), or am I silent? Or worse, do I agree with the worldview to fit in and not draw attention to myself?

When life goes wrong, do I react with love, patience, and faith, or do I become angry and agitated as if I don't have God as my Lord and Savior? Am I growing in the Lord, becoming more and more like Him, or is my testimony old and stale? Is it obvious, as it was with Moses, that I have been with the Lord? Or is it obvious I "didn't have time" for God today . . . or yesterday . . . or the day before?

Is the Holy Spirit visible in my life? 2 Corinthians 1:22 says, "Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts" (KJV). When we ask God to forgive our sin and ask Jesus to live in our hearts, God then seals us with His Holy Spirit. A seal shows.

Letters used to be sealed with wax on the outside. This seal was evidence and proof to the world that the contents were genuine correspondence from one person to another. A state seal on a birth certificate, death certificate, sales contract, official letter, and so on, shows the world that the document is genuine and carries the weight of the state behind it. God has sealed us with His Holy Spirit. We are adorned with His Holy Spirit.

I want the world to see that I belong to God, and I want to be constantly reminded throughout my day that I am God's. If I allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life constantly, then I have that proof of who and whose I am adorning my life.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 5:16, KJV).

Ruth Richard lives in Salem, Oregon.

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
