An Interview with Riley Coulter

An Interview with Riley Coulter

Riley Coulter is chancellor of Ambrose University College, the official Canadian school of both the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church and the Church of the Nazarene, Canada. He has also served as president of Canadian Nazarene College (CNC), and trustee of the Nazarene asset in Ambrose. Coulter, a sports enthusiast, and his wife, Karen, have three grown children as well as one granddaughter.

Where were you born and raised?

Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I lived in the same house until I left for college.

What are some of the more interesting elements of your family life and background?

My mom and dad were faithful laity at Calgary First Church of the Nazarene. My dad played the piano for 54 years and mom was missions president for more than 20 years. They raised six children, five of whom serve in the Church of the Nazarene as pastors or pastors' spouses. The sixth is a faithful Nazarene layperson.

Any humorous facts about yourself you'd like to share??

I've worn a Mickey Mouse watch for more than 20 years. Disneyland has been a fun place for our family. One of our sons called it our 'laughing place.'

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I completed the West Coast Trail (WCT) on Vancouver Island seven times. The WCT is an eight-day, 70-mile, extremely challenging hike through some of the most beautiful terrain in the world. We pack in and out all of our supplies for the week. I recall several 'near-death' experiences that we love to reminisce and joke about-times when I was close to the limits of my ability to cope with the challenge.

What is your favorite sport?

As a Canadian, hockey. I follow the Calgary Flames.

What has given you the most satisfaction in life and in your ministry?

In life, my wife and family. In ministry, to be able to participate with God in bringing change and renewal in the churches I served and our Nazarene college in Canada.

What frustrations and challenges have you faced in ministry?

Resistance to change. The unwillingness of God's people to take whatever steps are necessary to influence people effectively toward Christ and to encourage young people toward lives of ministry.

How would you define the phrase, 'outside the box?'

Paradigms govern our lives. They are grids that we use to interpret the issues of life. 'Outside the box' is thinking and acting beyond our comfort zones.

What is your life motto?

Some things have to be believed to be seen.

Do you have a favorite Scripture passage, and if so, what is it?

'Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus' (Philippians 3:13-14).

What habit most annoys you in other people?


What is your own most annoying habit?

Impatience. It robs me of the ability to enjoy the journey and focus only on the finish.

What is your dream destination?

Venice. We sailed into the Grande Canal on a Mediterranean cruise and then visited there for a few days. Both Karen and I look forward to returning for a much longer stay.

What recreational pastimes do you have?

Fishing-especially for salmon and halibut in British Columbia and Alaska.

What is your favorite music?

Easy listening-Diana Krall or Chris Botti.

What is the biggest surprise of your life to date?

That God fills my life with grace, mercy, and forgiveness over and over again.

Holiness Today, January/February 2009

Please note: This article was originally published in 2009. All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time but may have since changed.
