
Mar, 06, 2013 0
In 2008, I signed up for a Twitter account. I had been watching the development of that technology since its inception by Jack Dorsey in 2006. Twitter, the name selected for this emerging technology, was based on the definition of the term: a short burst of inconsequential information. I wasn't…
Feb, 27, 2013 0
Q: When it comes to ordination, are you required to be in an assigned position when you are interviewed for ordination or when you are ordained at the assembly? A: According to the Church of the Nazarene Manual 2009-2013, the answer is yes. One who is called of God to this ministry who…
Feb, 27, 2013 0
I am a transplant into the Church of the Nazarene. While growing up, and even as a young adult, I heard about the Church of the Nazarene but never really knew much about its beliefs or history. I came to the church through a variety of circumstances, the most recent being an interview for the…
Feb, 22, 2013 0
A father took his son to a large city museum, thinking that the visit would entertain the boy. But for two hours his son did nothing but sigh and complain. Finally, in desperation, the boy said to his father, "Dad, let's go someplace where things are real." People in our world today are looking…
Feb, 22, 2013 0
Brooklyn Lindsey was an emcee and evening speaker at the USA/Canada Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC) in 2011. In August 2012, she went with a group of youth pastors and high school students to visit the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) and World Vision partner project in Mzimba, Malawi. The…
Feb, 22, 2013 0
Q: What is a church to do when an older member takes on tasks that he's not capable of doing and won't relinquish the jobs? This person is the head usher who has become demanding, scares children, and has difficulty communicating. A: The church should be a place of grace, which always balances…
Feb, 22, 2013 0
If restricted to having only a few pages of God's Word, what would you select? The epic account of the Exodus? The Christmas story? Peter's powerful sermon at Pentecost? All are cherished perennial favorites and for good reasons. My choice, hands down, would be the Sermon on the Mount found in…
Feb, 06, 2013 0
I have fond childhood memories of listening to my aunts and uncles go round and round over pertinent issues at the dinner table. An uncle would boldly proclaim, at full volume, that if he were in office, he would know what to do. I remember an aunt, emphatically declaring to her sister that she…
Jan, 30, 2013 0
What happens when two distinctly different bodies of believers representing different cultures, different age groups, and different worship styles unite to form one remarkable church? Real Life Chapel is what happens. September 25, 2011: Real Life Chapel and the Church of the Nazarene of Easton…
Jan, 30, 2013 0
What happens when two distinctly different bodies of believers representing different cultures, different age groups, and different worship styles unite to form one remarkable church? Real Life Chapel is what happens. September 25, 2011: Real Life Chapel and the Church of the Nazarene of Easton…