
Aug, 03, 2015 0
I dislike conflict. No, that is not strong enough. I greatly dislike conflict. I have always been this way. My mother tells the story of me, as a young child, trying to calm down my friends when they would argue. I would go along with something I did not want to do, just so there would not be an…
Feb, 11, 2015 0
A new generation of spiritual leaders and an increasing body of believers have requested that basics of the church’s teaching, history, theology, mission, funding, and connections be placed in a brief and easily accessible publication—in plain language. Nazarene Essentials: Who We Are, What We…
Aug, 26, 2014 0
The Discipleship Place for the Church of the Nazarene just released a new course, Children's Ministry Academy, consisting of 20 lessons on best practices for Children's Ministry. This course is available for anyone and is free. However, in order to maximize the educational impact of this course,…
Aug, 26, 2014 0
Rencetly, I attended my first General Board session for the Church of the Nazarene. I must tell you, I was impressed! Of course the organization and execution of the meeting by the many dedicated staff members of the General Secretary's Office impressed me. That goes without saying. But that's not…
Aug, 26, 2014 0
The time, January 2001. The place, Havana. The event, the Cuba District's 32nd annual district assembly. As delegates gather to elect a new district superintendent, 33-year-old Leonel Lopez, the rector of the Nazarene Seminary, washes the seminary car because he is to pick up Ruben Fernandez, the…
Aug, 03, 2014 0
How did you come to faith? I made a personal commitment to follow Christ at the age of 12, but my family always made Christian service a part of our lives. For 27 years churches were closed, prayer meetings were for outreach and family times. Once you had a church, where was it? My father…
Jun, 26, 2014 0
Seeking advice and clearing any tension in the air with friends or with grades in school are great ways to take responsibility. Working through mistakes can be very hard and painful, but the Bible tells us in Philippians 4:13 that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.…
Jun, 26, 2014 0
My wife, Vickie, bought a small, green, plastic box for me at the pharmacy. It is divided into seven smaller sections, each with its own lid and a letter indicating the day of the week. Its purpose is to hold the vitamins and nutritional supplements that I am supposed to take each day. We simply…
Jun, 26, 2014 0
As told to Don Gardner Chief John Kimorgo leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs, and shared his story. The Holy Spirit drives me to do this. When the Holy Spirit works, you just do it. It should be an automatic sequence. I feel like I cannot do anything else except serve the Lord. As a…
Jun, 26, 2014 0
"An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from…