
Jul, 01, 2019 0
What can God do with a soccer ball, a basketball, a Haitian Creole community, a Spanish speaking community, an African American community, a bunch of bikers, and the Apopka Calvary Church of the Nazarene? When you trust in Him, He can do far more than you can imagine! A unique ministry was born…
Jul, 01, 2019 0
Like churches across America, Chicago First Church of the Nazarene (C1) is adjusting to new days and new ways of reaching people. We have been challenged to rethink evangelism by activating ministry outside the church walls while also rethinking what happens inside the church walls. We must live “…
Jun, 25, 2019 0
The past five years at Webb City Church of the Nazarene have been the confluence of the work of God and the willingness of a congregation of believers. Pastors before me laid the ground work, and when I arrived, people were ready for God to do something great.  “Connections” has been the theme of…
Jun, 21, 2019 0
Kafoa Muaror is the district superintendent (DS) of the Fiji district on the Asia-Pacific Region of the Church of the Nazarene. He also serves as the president of the General Board.   HT: What are some of the challenges facing churches in Fiji and the surrounding islands? KM: Since Christianity…
Jun, 20, 2019 0
Rev. Dany Gomis (DG) was elected as regional director for the Africa Region of the Church of the Nazarene in 2017. The Africa Region is currently the fastest growing region in the Church of the Nazarene. HT: What are some unique challenges facing the Africa Region? DG: There is a poem that sums…
Jun, 20, 2019 0
HT: How do you see the ministry of Evangelism and New Church Development impacting the USA/Canada Region? MB: My predecessor, Bill Wiesman, helped us implement a strong emphasis upon church planting that we are continuing to pursue. My team and I have continued that emphasis through the…
Jun, 20, 2019 0
HT: What are some recent trends in global missions? VW: We are always prayerfully looking for places where people have not heard the gospel. We ask: Where are the people who don’t have someone representing Christ to them? We want to consistently find creative ways to connect those people with the…
Jun, 05, 2019 0
I spent 29 years of my adult life as a professor on a Nazarene university campus. Looking back across the faces and names of students who sat in my classrooms reminds me of the incredible power the unleashed gospel has to transform lives. Many students came to my class with wayward hearts and minds…
Jun, 04, 2019 0
John 17 is a prayer of God the Son to God the Father. It is Jesus’ longest recorded prayer and has been called the High Priestly prayer because Jesus was merely hours away from going to the cross, and He was praying for His disciples. Jesus prayed for the disciples who were with Him that day, as…
Jun, 04, 2019 0
While the death and resurrection of Christ are at the core of our theology, it is important for us not to take those events in isolation from the bigger picture of Jesus’ life. On Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Christ. We celebrate Emmanuel, the God who came and dwelt among us (John 1:14).…