
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Q: What causes some people to hear things contrary to their opinion and think, "Maybe I have something to learn, even if I don't agree," while others think, "How dare you challenge my belief system?" As conscientious, Bible-believing Christians we ardently attempt to be true to our convictions and…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
"I have an empty picture frame on my desk that once held my ordination credential. I never thought I would lose it, but who does? I sinned, lost my reputation and ministry, was arrested, placed on probation, and became financially bankrupt." The tragedy, like dragging a cloud over a sun-filled day…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
David Argabright's idea for what to focus his life on didn't start in 2002 when he noticed that he was covered in his own sweat and blood, while quarantined in a rural Argentina clinic, but it did clarify his focus. Malaria was nearly killing him. In fact, every other person in the clinic died…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Sometimes, when I watch my granddaughters playing with each other, I reflect on this saying of Jesus: “the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” In what sense do these two little children belong to His Kingdom? What makes our children unique? What characteristics of children fit the reality…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Though a few mainline denominations may overemphasize the sacrament of baptism, some Nazarenes today neglect this historic means of grace. For a previous generation of Nazarenes, a trip to the mourners' bench assumed a sacramental status that tended to make baptism a seldom-used organ in the…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
No warning. One moment everything was fine as I traveled to work. The next second a tremendous jolt changed my life. Surely it had only been a few minutes since I'd kissed my wife Erin and two-year-old son Peyton good-bye and had left for work. I tried to think about them, think about anything but…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
"Then He said to them, 'Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions'" (Luke 12:15, NIV). This passage from Luke 12 seems almost counterintuitive, but that should not surprise us since Jesus consistently finds ways to disrupt the “…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
In reading the current November/December edition of Holiness Today on human sexuality, you may find yourself asking, “What has happened that caused us to be considering the issues we are facing both in society and the church?” For some, the temptation to withdraw from difficult topics of…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
One Sunday morning I preached a simple sermon about the meaning and significance of baptism, saying, "Something happens in the water." Then, I invited anyone who would like to be baptized to come forward. I said, "If you have a change of heart, we have a change of clothes." Something amazing…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Justine Knight has viewed the global Church of the Nazarene from multiple perspectives. She lives in Bethany, Oklahoma with her husband, General Superintendent Emeritus John A. Knight, Sr. Q. Which historical figure interests you the most? A. Susanna Wesley, for the manner in which she reared…