
Dec, 01, 2009 0
The essence of Christian worship is captured in these two excerpts written 260 years apart—one now considered a classic hymn of the Church and the other an often—played contemporary chorus, respectively. They both capture the interplay between who God is and our response to God’s work.  In worship…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
All Christians believe that God expresses grace. And all Christians believe God is the source of salvation. But Christians differ among themselves about how best to understand grace and salvation. The key to John Wesley's view of salvation is his understanding of divine grace. At its essence,…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
All Christians believe that God expresses grace. And all Christians believe God is the source of salvation. But Christians differ among themselves about how best to understand grace and salvation. The key to John Wesley's view of salvation is his understanding of divine grace. At its essence,…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
I stood looking at the devastation with a sense of foreboding that was hard to shake. Hurricane Katrina had wreaked such havoc across the Gulf Coast that the images on television and in the newspapers made it appear horrendous enough. To see it first hand was almost more than I could take. It was…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
For several decades, the church has followed the cultural norm in segregating generations for small groups, Sunday School, and ministry. This goes along with the cultural trend in education, media, and economics to become age specific. Not only schools, but also television programming, films,…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Grace! What a beautiful word! What an amazing gift to us from our heavenly Father: His all-sufficient, infinite, powerful grace! I am so thankful for His all-encompassing love that reaches down to the very point of my need—even when I least deserve it—and is manifested in my life in innumerable…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
As the doctor entered the cold, sterile examining room, I wondered how many more times I would hear him say, "Maybe next month." Having reached my early thirties and after nine years of eagerly anticipating motherhood, my desperation melted into tears as I tried to explain that I wanted a baby more…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Q: As a pastor, I am often asked our denomination's official stance on creation and evolution. How do Nazarenes understand the origin and development of our universe? A: The Church of the Nazarene's statement about creation is paragraph 903.8 of the 2005-2009 Manual. The statement affirms that God…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Flavio Valvassoura is field strategy coordinator for the Brazil South Field and superintendent of the Curitiba District. In addition, he is on staff at Campinas Central Church of the Nazarene with his father, Aguiar. He is also a member of the General Board and has pastored in Brazil and the U.S.…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
In each issue, a forum of pastors, laity, theologians, and church leaders respond to your questions on subjects such as doctrine, theology, Christian living, and the church. Send your questions to Holiness Today, Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS…