
Dec, 01, 2009 0
In a time when global positioning systems are available for our cars, desktop, and cell phones, how does the location of conflict resolution remain so evasive? Jesus gives us the coordinates, but it's up to us to get there. Conflict resolution is located at the intersection where love, holy…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
I once asked a co-worker if she and another co-worker were related because of the resemblance I saw between them. To my surprise, they were not related. They simply looked alike—at least alike enough to be mistaken for family members, even sisters! I confess that I often confused the two. We are…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
The obedience of a holy heart is a love obedience, glad and quick. To know the Master's will is to hasten to its performance. Bishop Taylor said: "The Lord does not need to give me a second invitation to go with Him to any country or any world," so gladly would he hear His voice and hasten to obey…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Red, white, and blue hold no monopoly on freedom. Recently, I had lunch with one of my former students of a class in Moscow, Volodymyr Masyuk (Volva), who is now a Nazarene pastor in the former Soviet state of the Ukraine. "Tell me about the Orange Revolution," I queried. I was referring to the…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Upon completion of a church service, my husband Paul and I were returning home and stopped at a buffet restaurant for our meal. I surveyed the place and noted the numerous tables of hot food, two grills going, and a salad bar with chilled plates that felt like they had been left outside on this…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
As we celebrate our denominational Centennial, we honor every courageous, innovative, Nazarene leader who gave visionary creativity to the church they loved. They "invented" Alabaster offerings, Work and Witness, and Bible quizzing, among many other creations. However, the new plans presented by…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
A cold misty rain blew that morning in San Antonio as I boarded the plane with a heavy heart, heading for the East coast. Never having flown alone, I was apprehensive. I was grateful for the courtesy of the flight attendant when I handed her my boarding pass and made my way to the window seat near…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
I love symbolism. A lion expresses courage and power. A dove represents peace and the Holy Spirit. The number four denotes man, the number three, God: so man and God united give us seven—the perfect number. When the Jews were in the wilderness, God instituted the wearing of blue tassels on the…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Ana Maria Crocker De Diaz is a member of the General Board representing the Mexico and Central America (MAC) Region. Ana Maria serves as Nazarene Missions International (NMI) coordinator for the MAC Region and as MAC representative on the General NMI Council. Growing up in San Geronimo and…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Where were you born and raised? I was born in Coos Bay, Oregon, raised in John Day, Oregon. What would you most likely be doing if you weren't a missionary? I'd be on a ranch. Where and how that would be, I haven't been asked yet. Greatest fear? Being cramped in a Russian built Tupolov 146…