
Jan, 14, 2010 0
Everyone on the planet is designed to make a difference. No matter our age or stage, married or single, living in the city, the suburbs, or the country, with little education or a PhD, with lots of money or little—each of us, as a believer, is on this planet to make a mark. The greatest mark we…
Jan, 14, 2010 0
Everyone on the planet is designed to make a difference. No matter our age or stage, married or single, living in the city, the suburbs, or the country, with little education or a PhD, with lots of money or little—each of us, as a believer, is on this planet to make a mark. The greatest mark we…
Jan, 12, 2010 0
God's Idea - Infinite Love. God could not have, consistent with His perfections, any other idea than infinite love—that is, God love; and so out of His own nature has flowed and is constantly flowing, an unending stream of infinite love toward His fallen creatures of this world. This infinite…
Jan, 12, 2010 0
God's Idea - Infinite Love. God could not have, consistent with His perfections, any other idea than infinite love—that is, God love; and so out of His own nature has flowed and is constantly flowing, an unending stream of infinite love toward His fallen creatures of this world. This infinite…
Jan, 12, 2010 0
How lucky can you get? I'm cheap-the best value in town. I'm popular—I swear by my own name to make you self-assured, hip, and suave. You can purchase me in a six-pack at your nearest Wal-Mart, and you and two of your friends can chug-a-lug the likes of me in no time flat. As the default option…
Jan, 12, 2010 0
HT: What makes KNU special? A: KNU is focused on helping people with special needs. For example, we have 382 students with disabilities. We help them to find wholeness through therapy, through spiritual formation, and through building relationships. HT: Explain how you manage being chaplain to…
Jan, 12, 2010 0
"Excuse me, I must pray now," she says as the call to prayer echoes throughout the neighborhood. Graciously, she removes herself from the small concrete-floored, plywood-walled room where we are visiting. Sweat drips down our faces as we listen, the asbestos roof allowing no relief from the…
Jan, 12, 2010 0
The Season of Advent is about waiting; not a passive waiting, but the kind of waiting we see in this passage from Isaiah: an expectant waiting.  If there is a “fun” kind of waiting, it is this kind!  As Christians, we do not just sit around tensely awaiting bad news. Rather, we are people who…
Jan, 12, 2010 0
The Holy Ghost is our Sanctifier, and when He sanctifies He takes up His abode in the heart. His sanctifying baptism purifies the heart and He comes to dwell therein. He is the abiding Comforter. He does not come and go occasionally, but remains; and once being filled with God, it is the believer'…
Jan, 12, 2010 0
The Holy Ghost is our Sanctifier, and when He sanctifies He takes up His abode in the heart. His sanctifying baptism purifies the heart and He comes to dwell therein. He is the abiding Comforter. He does not come and go occasionally, but remains; and once being filled with God, it is the believer'…