Divine Appointment

Divine Appointment

How many divine appointments do we miss for not being at God's designated place at the right time?

This question came home to me recently. I would have canceled my trip to a Christian retreat in New Mexico if it had not been for the fact I already paid for it and the plane trip well in advance. The result would have been that a newfound friend would not have had me there when she needed someone desperately.

After a refreshing retreat, those of us returning home by plane were buckled up for take-off when the airline stewardess told us there would be a short delay because another passenger was coming aboard.

Soon a very attractive and very pale young lady with a demeanor of despair came aboard. I could tell from her red eyes she had been crying. She glanced at me and the empty seat in my row and turned to the stewardess asking her if she could sit there instead of her assigned seat. She also asked me if it was alright with me. I welcomed and greeted her then returned to my reading of a missionary book.

This young lady whom I will call Ann glanced at the book and commented that it looked interesting. I told her it was very interesting, that it told of what God is doing around the world in various nations by using missionaries and volunteers to feed and clothe the hungry and provide housing and medical treatment for those needing it. Ann commented that she believed in God. I told her I was glad to hear her say that, but asked if she had ever invited Jesus into her heart. Her answer was somewhat positive, but lacked something. So I asked her if she would like for me to pray a prayer with her repeating it, inviting Jesus into her heart. She gave a definite "yes."

Immediately after that prayer she told me how unfulfilled and unclean she felt. Ann said she had been sexually molested since childhood, and as an adult made poor choices. She also told me she had just completed 18 chemotherapy treatments and has stage four cancer. She talked about feeling she had missed the mission she was born to fulfill, and that she felt so weak and tired.

I told Ann that God had given me the gift of healing and although not everyone I had prayed for was healed, that there was a significant number that had been. I asked if she would like me to ask God to heal her. She gave me a definite "yes" again. We prayed a healing prayer, then realizing her need for real joy and peace within, I told her there was one source and only one that I knew of in all the world whereby she could have real joy and peace, and that was to invite the Holy Spirit into her life. She asked me if I would pray a prayer that she could follow inviting the Holy Spirit in.

Immediately her whole countenance took on an aura of light and her face lit up like a beacon.

What a change took place instantly! She did not look like the same girl. She laughed and cried and hugged me and thanked me. She radiated the glory of the Lord. I told her it was my wonderful privilege to have prayed with her, but it was Jesus she needed to thank, He is the one that heard her prayer and answered it. Give Him the glory.

Ann shared with me that she had been crying and pacing the lobby of the airport telling God how useless and desperate she felt, and that she couldn't take any more. She begged God to intercede for her. She said when she passed by me on the plane she felt that was where she was to sit.

One interesting aspect of the seating arrangement was that as I boarded, an official said, "Oh, your ticket is for the very back row, you don't need to sit there, I have row 6 available and that is where I am seating you". I didn't ask where Ann was to sit, but she chose the seat beside me. God truly blessed me that day. I felt I was at the right place at the right time, and was so glad I did not cancel the trip.

I'm awaiting word from Ann as to what God is doing in her life since this divine appointment.

Lord, help us to live in such a way that we never miss the divine appointments you have in store for us.

Elsie M. Moore resides in Florence, Oregon.

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
