Q&A with Paul Skiles

Q&A with Paul Skiles

Paul Skiles has filled a myriad of roles in the Church of the Nazarene'from executive secretary of Nazarene Young People's Society to director of the Communications Division. Musician, speaker, sports lover, and man of faith are words that describe Paul Skiles.

Q. What was the best part of working for the church?
A. Quality relationships otherwise not within reach.

Q. If we could see the work of the church through your eyes, we would see:
A. A church under pressure to maintain relevance without discarding the irreplaceable.

Q. What summarizes your time leading Nazarene youth?
A. Channeling the energies of youth into the total evangelistic mission of the church.

Q. What key moment stands out from your years of ministry?
A. Nazarene World Youth Conference in Fiesch, Switzerland, in 1974.

Q. What is your strongest gift?
A. Respect for the team.

Q. Do you have a personal motto?
A. Plan ahead. Quality preparation best assures quality result, skill level notwithstanding.

Q. Share a highlight from your work as Communications director.
A. Investing in the development of young associates whose vision and professional skills led to the production of communication resources and facilities on world regions. Also the "Our Church Can Be Your Home" campaign.

Q. Name a character trait you admire in others.
A. Integrity.

Q. Name a character trait you'd like to change in yourself.
A. You tell me.

Q. Who has inspired you as you've walked through life?
A. My wife, Maxine.

Q. Who makes you laugh?
A. My grandkids.

Q. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
A. I'd like to be 6' 2".

Q. What advice would you leave for your grandchildren?
A. Learn to hit the curve. Turn the negative into positive.

Holiness Today, March/April 2005

Please note: This article was originally published in 2005. All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time but may have since changed.
