Igniting Holistic Worship

Igniting Holistic Worship

Often, contemporary Christians pride themselves in being "great worshipers." However, are we actually just consumers of various styles of worship music? And is this what we want our legacy to be?

I wonder if instead of being consumers of worship, we are to be consumed by worship for God's glory. When we are consumed by worship, it becomes so much more than just a musical preference. It becomes a lifestyle of adoration, justice, and evangelism.

For too long, the Church of Jesus has separated these three elements. We thought that adoration is what we do inside the church building, justice is what we do about society issues, and evangelism is what we do out on the streets. But the three elements belong together—and they belong together within the umbrella of consuming worship.


When I first became a Christian, I wondered why we were commanded to worship and praise God all the time. Did God have some sort of insecurity problem that caused a need for our words of affirmation? I did not understand that worship is the expression of a love relationship with God. I love my wife and I tell her. And I love my Creator and I tell Him so.

We have access to a relationship with God because of Jesus. God is the Door to the Father. If we do not go through the Door—or focus on Jesus—before we go through the church door, then we need a specific ritual, sound, or beat to energize and engage us.

However, if we go through the Door and focus on Jesus before we enter worship time, then our adoration is characterized by our spirit touching the Spirit.

When we make that connection the music or expression style becomes irrelevant. The focus is on the connection, not the format used.


In Hebrews 13:15-16 we are reminded that a God-pleasing sacrifice of praise involves more than just our lips expressing adoration to God. Worship also includes doing good, Christ-honoring actions, and sharing with others.

This goes beyond human compassion or Christian obligation. It is about giving meaning to the songs we sing by the lives we live. Because we love Jesus we care for the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, advocate for the undefended, befriend the misfit, aid the addicted, speak for the voiceless, and make sure that everyone is empowered, led, and seen. With such sacrifices God is pleased. These are acts of worship.


For many, telling others about Jesus is something a good Christian should automatically do. But if our motivation to evangelize is ignited by worship, it's not another responsibility to perform, but comes naturally as an overflow of love.

Evangelism that does not come out of worship is legalism. Through much of our evangelism we have been shouting, "Jesus is the answer" to people who are not asking the question. We need to earn the right to be heard by not only preaching about heaven but also by giving these people a glimpse of heaven through our lives. Worship is a glimpse of heaven.

Worship has very little to do with ritual and music, and very much to do with adoration, justice, and evangelism lived out and unified.

How are you worshiping this week?

David Schnitter is a worship leader from Germany, currently serving as associate pastor at the Church of the Nazarene in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
