
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Try as hard as they will, society and culture cannot ignore the Church. Statistics report that 43 percent of Americans and 20 percent of Canadians attend church at least once weekly. The Gallup Poll has repeatedly questioned, "How important would you say religion is in your own life: very important…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Mary* was a familiar face at the neighborhood dry cleaning business. She was outgoing, attentive, and courteous. During our regular stops there, I began to build a bridge of friendship with her. I learned that she had two kids, was divorced, and—as you might guess—found life difficult. Long…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Lent is the approximately forty day period leading up to Easter Sunday. It is meant to be a time of preparation and reflection that is patterned after Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness at the beginning of His earthly ministry (Mark 1:12-13; Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13). As we prepare to enter this…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
In the book Prioritizing Web Usability, the authors state that on average an Internet user spends 1 minute and 49 seconds visiting a web site before deciding to move on, and if they decide to stay, will spend on average of 3 minutes and 49 seconds on a particular site.The following 10 steps can…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Recent events in Virginia, the very place where Thomas Jefferson long ago penned words about freedom and about all people being seen equally in the eyes of the Creator, remind us that reformation is an ongoing process.  Jefferson himself held slaves as he was writing those history altering words in…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
When I was 17, I made a life-changing decision. I left my parents' lake property telling them I had to work, would spend the night at our house, and return to the lake the next day. After work that day, instead of going home, I involved myself in something that forever changed my life. Even though…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Jerry Nelson has served for 34 years as arranger and instrumental director at Denver First Church of the Nazarene. He is the founder of Clarion Sound Tracks, the oldest accompaniment track company in the world, and parent company of Eagle's Nest, a mountain retreat and studio primarily for…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Nearly 200 years ago, on March 25, 1807, the British Parliament in London enacted a law that would have repercussions around the world. The new law prohibited British ships from transporting slaves on the high seas. Those caught breaking the law would be fined heavily, and if caught again would…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Stopping for my daily cup of coffee at the corner gas station, I greeted Leslie and Phil, two employees I'd been inviting to church for a year or so. Then, just as I was about to add my second shot of cinnamon hazelnut creamer, something unexpected happened. Another sleepy early riser grabbed the…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Does a morality gap exist today between what people say they believe and how they behave? Most people would say yes. We have divorced belief from behavior. To our detriment, morality has become a take-it-or-leave-it kind of deal. As if we were making cafeteria selections, we have become adept at…